Monday, September 29, 2008

New Technology Directions for Pesticide Safety

Drift and dermal toxicity deserve more attention and resources for better pesticide safety. The pesticide industry is the worst victim of negligence in this respect. Please read the disturbing news at the following link:

The pesticide industry will suffer the fate of Wall Street banks if the practice of demanding compensation for drift continues. I do not have altruistic motives alone in pressing for time-bound action plans to manage drift and dermal toxicity during pesticide application: these are matters of vital business interests.

Endogram and Endosulfan tolerant Chrysoperla are free of drift and dermal toxicity dangers suffered by their chemical cousins. However, what about Endocel? I have plans in this respect as well, but they need to be addressed with greater senses of urgency. This will be my major focus during the month starting tomorrow.

What do you think of drift and dermal toxicity during pesticide application in the field? Please offer some solutions, or let me know if you think that the seriousness is exaggerated. You can post below without disclosing your identity.

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