Monday, September 1, 2008

Fear of the unknown stalks CCD. We know that honeybee colonies all over earth are in danger, but we are not sure of the cause.

Pesticides, especially foliar neonicotinoids and others with systemic potentials are suspect. However, they are patented properties of the most influential pesticide manufacturers from Europe. We cannot dare to challenge them, to say nothing of national regulators.

Honeybees can make a lot of noise, but who is willing to listen?

This is a golden opportunity for the pesticide industry to discharge its corporate social responsibilities. Please lend your capable shoulders for the following burdens:

1. Promote the use of Endogram during flowering.
2. Use Endocel during the cool hours of the day when pollinator activity is relatively low.
3. Stop all systemic pesticide use a fortnight before a crop enters its reproductive phase.
4. Ban neonicotinoid foliar application during flowering.
5. Restrict systemic fungicides in favor of sulfur formulations.
6. Promote health bee programs.
7. Support the development of improved and tolerant honeybee strains.

My recommendations are inspired by the following link:

Thank you for your vigorous, immediate, and sustained responses.

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