Sunday, October 19, 2008

Networking for Pesticide Safety

A pesticide label is easy to read. Preventing deaths in poisoning cases is another matter. The medical management of pesticide poisoning calls for a calm minds, clear algorithms of treatment, readily-available antidotes, and reference facilities. Published clinical records are rare though plenty of cases surface during spraying seasons.

The Internet facilitates better pesticide safety. We can use the World Wide Web to tackle both acute and chronic pesticide dangers. The coming week is important to me as I will commence a pesticide safety network in Ambala, Haryana. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra will help me bring doctors and spray operators on a common platform for improved pesticide safety.

I would like to work with you, wherever you may be located, for pesticide safety. We can use the Internet for regular and emergency communications, and meet face-to-face on occasion as well. Please post below or write to if you would like to join a pesticide safety network. I am willing to join your networks as well, provided that they relate to pesticide safety.

Let us work together to promote the safe and judicious use of pesticides.

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