Monday, August 25, 2008

Sellers Need Pesticide Safety Too

Every pesticide retailer is a vital cog in the pesticide safety chain. It is nearly impossible to achieve improvements in pesticide safety standards without this versatile and dynamic cadre. However, the selfless people who toil so hard to make brands popular, deserve medical care themselves.

Here are some changes that we can agree to make:

1. Store dummy packs on display shelves.
2. Provide ventilation and chimneys with scrubbers where pesticides are stored.
3. Do not eat, drink, or smoke where pesticides are stored.
4. Use skylights instead of electricity where emulsion concentrates are stored.
5. Teach all relevant personnel to use DCP fire extinguishers, and rehearse use of protective gear and containment methods with local fire services.
6. Do not store pesticides in low-lying areas which have been flooded in the past.
7. Insist on annual medical check-ups for all dealers and their workers, and provide insurance as well.
8. Repeat essential pesticide safety information to each customer. Record the customer's understanding and agreement to follow label instructions.
9. Do your best to keep unknown people, women of child-bearing ages, and children from buying pesticides.
10. Keep antidotes handy, and display the number of a local doctor who can treat poisoning cases.

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