Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Organizational Principles for Better Pesticide Safety Standards

It is always a wonder to meet Akhil. Though he is a person of many parts, it suffices to describe him as an explorer. He travels not just across the most inaccessible places on earth, but interacts with varied minds. Many communities have enjoyed his friendship, and I for one certainly cherish my association with his extended family and with him.

Regulars on this web log will recall a post on improving pesticide safety standards through rural women. Please use this link to read the post, if this is your first visit:

Akhil has spent most of his professional life around rural communities. The figure behind him in the photograph is of a rural doctor from ancient Chile.

Akhil offered the following insights during my interview with him on the 06th August 2008:

1. Rural women are a potent force of change.
2. India has enabling infrastructure for the organization of rural women.
3. Pesticide safety awareness in urban India is poorer than in our villages.

The full interview is available at the following link:

I can also send a direct copy to any email address: please ask at

Akhil has let me work with the Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Ambala during the first week of September 2008. I hope to launch a chapter of MatriMarg there. Bookmark this web log for regular updates.

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